Week #15 Goodness

How can I be good?

READ: Romans 14:17; 1 Timothy 5:10; 1 Peter 2:9

Goodness is not just being talented at something, as in "she is good at painting." Goodness is a composite of many qualities, such as being kind, helpful, loving, pleasant, generous, and gentle. These qualities exhibit our likeness to God. When Christ takes control of your heart, you begin doing good deeds that, when practiced over a lifetime, will be defined as goodness.

When you're growing in goodness day by day and year by year, you're building a reservoir that can become a fountain of goodness flowing out from you to others, showing them what God is like.
I know I need to be kind, but it's really hard with some people. How can I be kind even to unkind people?

READ: Colossians 1:10; Matthew 7:12; Philemon 1:7; Proverbs 11:17

Kindness is not a single act, but a lifestyle. You practice kindness in all you do and say, always treating others as you would want to be treated. Kindness does not mean always giving in or giving up and letting others have their way. Even when confronting others over a tough issue, you can do it in a kind way without being rude or derogatory. When you do these things, you can have a great impact on others for Christ and His Kingdom.

The One Year Mini for Students

Week #14 Trustworthy...

What makes God trustworthy?
READ: Deuteronomy 1:35-36; Joshua 14:13-14; Hebrews 6:18; Psalm 89:34-35; Titus 1:2

God is trustworthy because He keeps His promises. Caleb trusted in God even when the rest of the Israelites rebelled. Caleb went through the hardships along with the nation, but while others were dying off, he was kept alive. When the nation finally entered the land, Caleb received his reward...and he was still strong enough to fight for it! Like Caleb, we should trust God to keep His promises. The Bible is full of promises that we can relate directly to our lives today.

Have you ever wondered if there is anything that God cannot do? Well, actually there is something God can't do. He cannot lie. God is truth, and He is the source of all truth. His promises are completely dependable and trustworthy because God cannot go back on His word.

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 9:10


How can I avoid trusting the wrong people or the wrong things?

READ: Jeremiah 17:5-8; Proverbs 25:19; Psalm 118:8-9; Isaiah 12:2; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 125:1

Trust is a tricky thing. Knowing whom you can trust is not always clear. This is especially true when you look around and see so many people in high positions who abuse their power and hurt those who depend on them. What can you do? Start by observing the character and actions of people around you. Notice who is consistently truthful and reliable. Who treats others as they would like to be treated? Keep in mind that even the most godly person you know will make mistakes and sometimes let you down. So, you shouldn't look for people to give you what only God can provide. Only God is completely trustworthy.

Pulled from: The One Year Mini For Students (Devotional)