Week #6: Life's Instruction Book

I found this passage this week and saw this write up about it...thought it summed everything up pretty well...

READ: Psalm 119:9-16

Think about how many of our purchases come with an instruction book. Whether it's a gift for a friend or a nice TV, most items have some type of detailed step-by-step guide to help us put together or operate our new toy.

Oftentimes, though, many of us set that manual aside, opting to use our own instincts instead. After hours of frustrating attempts, we may finally turn to the instruction book, which the manufacturer intended us to use from the start.

In life, the Bible is our guidebook. But how often do we place it aside and lean on our own understanding, instead of trusting God's design for how we should live? The consequences are far more devastating than a few wasted hours trying to build a train set or program a television. Failure to heed the Bible's instructions can lead to broken relationships, failed careers, poor finances, and a directionless life in general.

The Lord blessed us with this instruction manual for a number of reasons. First, He desires to instruct us on how to live a godly life. Second, He wants us to know Him more intimately. And third, He wants to prevent sin in our lives.

CLOSING: Psalm 119:9 says we can keep our way pure by "living according to [God's] word." As we read His "instuction book" each day, the Holy Spirit works in our heart, and we grow closer to the Lord. Then, life's daily trials will seem less daunting because we'll have the truth of Scripture to guide us. We should try to read the Bible daily. Through this we will gain a better understanding of God, and we will be better equipped to take on the world. We should look to the Bible to answer questions we are unsure about. God has given us an instuction book for how to live a godly life...we should all take advantage of it.

Have a safe and happy New Years everybody!!!

Week #5: The Best Gift Ever

READ: Luke 2:1-20

The best Christmas gift ever was the first one given...Jesus Christ. Christmas is a day to be remembered because God came to earth in the human form of Jesus Christ.

From the moment of His human birth, Jesus was at the same time fully God and fully man (Colossians 2:9). Throughout His earthly life, He remained the eternal Son of God, but simultaneously possessed a human nature unblemished by sin.

Jesus came into this world so that the world could see what God is like. Jesus said, "He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me" (John 12:45).

By calling Himself the Son of Man, Jesus was fully identifying Himself with us. He walked among us and experienced first-hand the suffering and temptations we all face throughout our lives. He took the sin of the world upon himself and was crucified in our place, paying our sin-debt in full. Because of this, we are all able to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, ask Him to forgive us of our sins and live in our hearts, and to one day live with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

What happened more than 2000 years ago was far greater than just the birth of a baby. God became man and lived among us so we might get to know Him better and so we might become reconciled to Him.

This Christmas season, I hope that we are all able to stay away from the materialistic view that the rest of the world has about Christmas. Material gifts are nice, but the birth of Jesus Christ is the real reason for Christmas. God has given each and everyone of us the best gift ever...His Son Jesus Christ. We should be truly thankful for Christmas!

I encourage everyone to read the "Christmas Story" at some point this holiday season and thank God for the awesome gift that He has given us.

I love you all and Merry Christmas!!!