Week #6: Life's Instruction Book

I found this passage this week and saw this write up about it...thought it summed everything up pretty well...

READ: Psalm 119:9-16

Think about how many of our purchases come with an instruction book. Whether it's a gift for a friend or a nice TV, most items have some type of detailed step-by-step guide to help us put together or operate our new toy.

Oftentimes, though, many of us set that manual aside, opting to use our own instincts instead. After hours of frustrating attempts, we may finally turn to the instruction book, which the manufacturer intended us to use from the start.

In life, the Bible is our guidebook. But how often do we place it aside and lean on our own understanding, instead of trusting God's design for how we should live? The consequences are far more devastating than a few wasted hours trying to build a train set or program a television. Failure to heed the Bible's instructions can lead to broken relationships, failed careers, poor finances, and a directionless life in general.

The Lord blessed us with this instruction manual for a number of reasons. First, He desires to instruct us on how to live a godly life. Second, He wants us to know Him more intimately. And third, He wants to prevent sin in our lives.

CLOSING: Psalm 119:9 says we can keep our way pure by "living according to [God's] word." As we read His "instuction book" each day, the Holy Spirit works in our heart, and we grow closer to the Lord. Then, life's daily trials will seem less daunting because we'll have the truth of Scripture to guide us. We should try to read the Bible daily. Through this we will gain a better understanding of God, and we will be better equipped to take on the world. We should look to the Bible to answer questions we are unsure about. God has given us an instuction book for how to live a godly life...we should all take advantage of it.

Have a safe and happy New Years everybody!!!


Catie said...

I really like this passage... It is so true, in my life that the more I try to figure out and "fix" on my own the more frustrated and disappointed I become in my efforts and in the results I see. Pride is toxic to me as a Christ follower and often clouds my mind with thoughts of personal victory without thinking of Christ.
If I can make a moment by moment effort to put more focus and love into my relationship to Christ I am certain I could do More and would be in His Will doing More(which is key for me!). When the Holy Spirit convicts me of selfishness and self-reliance... i think- how many times have i done what God's Word said and been disappointed, embarrassed, or left out to dry. The answer is always NEVER- do i experience these things when I forget my pride and do it the way it was supposed to be done
Happy New Year and GO (clemson)TIGERS

brice said...

This is a great passage... It is very humbling when I try to do things my way and it doesn't take long before I realize that I can't do it on my own. As Catie said, pride will get in the way and it is not easy to overcome. When I turn my focus away from God it doesn't take long before I'm falling on my face. Thank you God for picking us up, dusting us off and putting us on the right path. I pray everyday that the Lord will help me to do His will and not my own.
Happy New Year!!

Jon said...

This is a passage that really spoke to me. I try to read my Bible everyday, but I don't always turn to my Bible for answers and direction. For a while, reading my Bible felt more like a chore than something I should look forward to doing, and something I should do to help guide me in life. I agree with both of you about pride being toxic in our lives. I find myself doing things my own way without even thinking about whether or not the decisions I have made are what God had planned for me. We are truly blessed that God has provided us with an instuction book for life and I pray that the Lord will continue to work on me to look to Him and His guidebook for answers in my life. In order to get to Know God better and to live godly lives, we have to read the Bible. I pray that the Lord will help me to stop being so hard headed and turn to Him. We really do serve an awesome God!

Happy New Years E'erbody!!!

shelby said...

I agree with the three of y'all on the fact that this is an awesome passage, and it is one that is very humbling to say the least. There are so many times that I think I can fix something or put something together without reading the instructions, and more times than not, I end up frustrated and have to revert back to the instructions. I agree with Brice, when he says that when we take our eyes off Jesus, it doesn't take long for us to fail and fall flat on our faces. It is comforting to know that He will pick us up, forgive us, and put us back on the right path! I need to put a more valiant effort into really getting into the Word and studying it daily, rather than just reading a few passages and calling it quits. During these next few month of my life, I know many decisions have to be made about my future and what I am going to do when I graduate from college, and I pray that the Lord will show me His will for my life because I cannot live without His daily instruction and guidance.
Happy New Years!