Week #10 Praise & Worship

"Worship is not a place, it is a lifestyle."

READ: 1 Chronicles 29:10-12; Psalm 150; Matthew 4:10

We were all created for worship, which is recognizing who God is and responding to Him in love and by honoring Him. We are taught through the Bible that God alone is worthy of our worship. This can be done at any time and in any place. Worship can take on many different forms...singing, meditating, praying, listening intently to sermons, giving, or serving. When we do these types of things and are focused on God and our love for Him, we are worshiping.

Why is it important for us to worship God?
Think about how thousands of people scream and throw themselves at the stage where their music idols are performing. If not a music idol, maybe a favorite sports idol. Human beings are created to worship, to give ultimate value to someone greater than themselves, and then to revere, adore, and obey by ordering the priorities of their lives around the one that they worship.

The Bible teaches that only God-the creator of all things and all people-is worthy of our worship. Worship will, more than anything, help connect us with God, who is the source of our hope and our future. We should not be embarrassed or or fearful about worshiping and praising God. The Lord is worthy of praise. He is our Friend, our Rock, and our Protector. He saved us from Death! We cannot let ourselves get caught up in the opinions of others. We have to remember that He is the only audience that matters.

God loves variety. We can kneel, stand, or even dance when worshiping God (Psalm 95:1.6; 2 Samuel 6:14). There are many different ways in which we can express our worship, none are wrong as long as our focus is on God, and our attitudes are loving and respectful. We should all give God His due and glorify Him.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I think a lot of times, people don't realize that they can worship God anywhere and at anytime. I love singing songs (when i'm alone ha) and praying to God. I don't do either as much as I should, but God is working with me. When you think about all of the energy and time we put into keeping up with our favorite actor, sports star, etc...why can't we do the same for God? He created each and everyone of us. He sent His one and only Son to die on the Cross for our sins so that we can live with Him eternally in Heaven. God deserves our praise. I know at times I struggle with worrying about other people will think, but I pray that God will forgive me of that and I try to worship Him openly and without fear. We serve a mighty and awesome God!