Week #24 Scaredy Cat

What's wrong with being afraid?

READ: Mark 5:22-23, 35-36; Mark 6:49-50

Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Jesus knows that fear paralyzes us and keeps us from doing things that God wants us to do. Everything God has called us to do is not going to be easy. Some things require us to have courage and to trust God to take care of us.

Fear convinces us that we will fail, that we will let other people down, and that God will not help us when we need him to. Fear causes us not to think straight. We become overwhelmed with what other people are thinking and all the bad things that could possibly happen. We should not be concerned with these things.

We do not have to worry about what other people think of us, we only need to be concerned with what God thinks of us. God is in complete control of our lives. Nothing will happen to us that He doesn't already know about and He will not put anything on our plates that we are not able to handle with His help. When we become afraid, we should immediately turn our focus to God. Whether we fear having talk to a group of people, fear not being able to find a job, or fear not being able to pay a bill on time, we can focus on the image of God fighting by our side and our fear will fade.

Do not be afraid; for I am with you.

Isaiah 43:5a

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