Week #29 Working for God

How can I have a better attitude at work? Does God care how I do my job?

READ: Ephesians 6:5-6

Every service we provide, even our professional tasks are to be considered work done directly for the Lord. In these verses in Ephesians, Paul used the terms "slaves and masters"--today's equivalent would be employees and bosses--to describe how we as Christians should labor.

The way we go about our work gives us an opportunity to show others what we think about God. If we produce excellent work, do it with a positive attitude, and show that we care about other people, we are able to model God's character and become a witness for Him. By doing our work well, we please God and it makes more of an impact on others than we realize.

Whatever job you may have right now was given to you by God. He put you in your job, not only to meet your financial needs, but also so that you might be a witness for Him by how you act and how hard you work. God is constantly preparing us for something more in the future, but He wants to see how we handle what He gives us now. Our jobs count as an opportunity for us from God. He has placed you where you are right now. Make the best of it. Be happy, work hard, praise and obey God.

"Everything we do that touches other lives either glorifies the Lord or diminishes His name in front of a watching world."
-Charles Stanley


Catie said...

Good stuff... Jon I feel you! I, too, have no steady "job" right now. it is mainly my fault for not preparing earlier to find a summer job, but oh well! I really like the line, "God is constantly preparing us for something more in the future, but He wants to see how we handle what He gives us now." I feel that this is so applicable in my situation right now. I have had a really difficult time trying to understand what God wants/expects me to give tithe and offering wise b/c of my no income situation. I have recently made a conscious effort to give what God has asked when any money comes my way. Sadly, this is really hard for me b/c I am good about worrying about money, but by giving to God what is already his, I can actively have faith that He will provide!

brice said...

I like Charles Stanley's quote. People are watching every move we make to see what kind of life we are living. Sometimes I have days that I don't really want to be doing a certain job but I try to remind myself to thank God for blessing me with the health and strengh to get up and be able to go out and do His work each day.

JonA. said...

Catie you read my mind with your comment! and Brice, i like that Charles Stanley quote too. I don't always realize that I'm "working for God," but I am going to make a conscious effort to remember that when I am handling my daily tasks. God has provided so much for me, and He deserves a happy 110% from me. Knowing that the way i work and present myself has an impact on how other people view God is wild (in a weird good way). I know I will mess up, but I also know that God will be right there with me to heal the wounds, both in my life and in the lives of those around me, and He will get me back on the right track. Thanks for the comments!

Gene said...

The subject of "jobs" kinda hits home for me right now. As frustrating as my job is sometimes, I thank God everyday for it. We have had several layoffs at my office in the past year, and I've seen some of my friends go through some tough times because of it. Thankfully God has seen fit to keep me employed. I have tried to keep a positive attitude and be encouraging to my friends who have lost their jobs, as well as those I still work with. God doesn't take something away from His children that he won't replace with something better. Keeping Him first in our lives will help us get through tough times, and it can allow us to be an inspiration to others.