Week #56 God's Field

"For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:9

In church this past Sunday, the Pastor referred to Christians as "God's field". I must say I have never thought of myself as God's field or any other kind of field for that matter. But, as the Pastor talked about how a farmer cultivates his field for growing crops, I began to see the comparison. He plows the field. He fertilizes the field. He plants the seed. He waters the field. Ultimately, that is exactly what God does with us. We are a field that God is constantly cultivating to bring forth fruit – win souls to Christ – show Christ's love to others – maintain a personal relationship with Him. When we accept Christ as our Savior we are a big open field. God begins to work with us. He begins to "grow" us into what he wants us to be. He must remove the weeds that have grown up in our lives and prepare us for His service.

A farmer starts this process over each season. I believe that is how God works with us. As Christians, we allow "weeds" to sprout up in our lives. We move away from God. We allow our soil to become "dead". We stop producing new fruit. God, just like the farmer, begins anew with us as we go through the different seasons in our lives. He never stops working with us. He never stops cultivating us.

It is amazing to me how God can take something that is completely dead and bring it back to life. Just as the farmer takes dirt, plants a seed and produces (only by God's hand) something useful. It is a continual thing. The farmer never stops cultivating the land and our God never stops working with us.

If you've ever seen a field at the end of the season, it is not a pretty sight. But wait until the farmer begins working the land for the next season and over a period of time it becomes beautiful again. Just as our lives become fruitful and meaningful as God works with us. I am so grateful that God doesn't give up on me. That he is willing to work with me as I go through the seasons of my life. That He looks at me with love and understanding, knowing that I am a "work in progress" that only He can complete.

By: Diana Abercrombie


Anonymous said...

It's funny that this is the blog this week because I just heard something about this on tv earlier this week. When I think of us being God's Field, I think about this one experiment I had in 6th grade I believe it was. Our teacher had us in a contest for science class. We had to see who could grow the tallest plant and make it live the longest. Well of course everyone in class begins preparing their cups with just the right amount of soil for their plant, digs out a little pocket for the seed to be dropped into, and then watering it, but not too much water or you would drown the seedling. Well days went by, weeks started to go by, and my plant hadn't began to grow. I had given up hope. Everyone in the class could begin to see leaves sprouting out with a stem and everything and their plant was doing fine. I grew frustrated and didn't want to do the experiment anymore and threw my plant away. As I think about being God's field, I am thankful that God doesn't give up on me and just throw me out. I'm sure I am way tougher than that little plant and he has to work extra hard on me as well as others. But he stays at it. Giving me great soil, a pocket of comfort so I can grow, and just the amount of water I need to live each day to the fullest! We serve and awesome God!

Anonymous said...

this is great:) im really glad i read this i needed to hear it

Anonymous said...

Ilove this! We as Christians are just like the field. We have the times when we are growing, when we are producing fruit, when we mature, and then when we die out. I think the Lord that He doesn't give up on us and He will replant us when we need it. We are a work in progress and I thank Him everyday for having patience with me as I continue to grow and serve Him.

Gene said...

I like this post a lot. I have never thought of myself as "God's field" either. It really is a good analogy though. I'm so glad God doesn't give up on me when the "weeds" start sprouting up in my life. All I can say is he must have a huge bottle of RoundUp with my name on it!

Jon said...

Roundup! haha...great post! Nice story Erica...I think I remember doing a similar project in school and I don't think my plant did so well either.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the phrase .."a pocket of comfort so I can grow"...what a wonderful God we serve!!!!