Week #73 Post by Catie

Ok bloggerinians(much like the Corinthians or Thessalonians),
I hope you like the way this blog post proceeds. I have been reading C. S. Lewis's "The Weight of Glory" and ran into some amazing thoughts that I really wanted to share. Enter Holybloggers: the perfect opportunity to share. I will get right to it and ask you to read the quote found below.

"There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations- these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit-immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. We must play. But out merriment must be that kind which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously- no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption... Next to the Blessed Sacrement itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses."

I know this gets a little wordy but what a statement(one that we probably already knew, but is very easy to forget). If I approached each acquaintance, each classmate, each friend and family member with this idea in my heart and mind I cannot imagine what kind of love would show through. They would not only see Jesus, but feel Him through me. I allow my bad mood, bad weather, selfishness and any extraneous circumstance that could possibly arise to take my focus off of others and literally, like a magnet with an opposite attraction, all my concentration is back on me, myself and I. I wish I had some helpful hints or tricks to help us, as Christians, follow through with Jesus's second greatest commandment.."love your neighbor as yourself" but all I have to encourage us with is Jesus's testimony and his belief that we can do it through His power and grace. I don't believe its a tendency any of us as Christ followers will be able to master my any means, but crawling, slithering, scooting, shimmying towards the character and likeness of Jesus is something that takes a lot of energy, time, devotion and focus but is something we are called to do. I hope this week (that is over half way complete) has been good for everyone, especially those who had birthdays (Jon-Boy) and successful recoveries (Canden!).

thanks for listening...


Diana said...

WOW!!! Really powerful blog Catie! It hits home with me in a big way. So many emotions in the past few weeks. It is easy to forget that EACH person we come in contact with is special in God's eyes. Jesus died for EVERYONE. My prayer is that I will see people through Jesus' eyes...not my own...that I will stop making EVERYTHING all about me and start leading people to Christ. We are ALL GOING THROUGH SOMETHING....

Jon said...

Great quote and great reflection. I can definitely use some work in this area of my life. If it isn't a self pity party, it seems to be a person "I am great" seminar. To think Jesus always had/has the type of love mentioned in this post makes me want to punch my legs because I RARELY have this type of love towards others. Have to start tackling this area with some serious prayer!

Catie...Thanks for helping out and great post!