Week #75 How Do You View Satan?

Let's switch things up a little bit. This week...I want everyone to comment about how they view Satan. Is he nice, cocky, scary, a wise guy...etc. You paint the picture. I came across this video that might help you understand a little better what exactly I'm talking about...I hope you enjoy

Basically...I've been very interested to see how the Holy Blogger community views Satan. As "christians" we have to deal with the devil. I want everyone to have a picture in their head when they think of their enemy. This video makes light of everything, but it hits on some key points about our culture and the way we live our lives. I look forward to hearing your descriptions.


Diana said...

To be honest, I view Satan as just pure EVIL....and that takes on so many forms.....this blog is very interesting because I have never really "thought about how I view Satan"....hmmm definitely food for thought....

Jon said...

I think this video does a good job showing how "lightly" we tend to take Satan these days. I don't believe we understand how our sin delights Satan.

Picture yourself wanting something really bad for Christmas, then getting that gift. I see Satan having a similar experience when we as Christians sin against God. It ticks me off knowing I'm disappointing God and making the Devil smile.

Diana said...

That is so true...I cringe to think of how many times in any given day I delight Satan instead of my Lord.....