#78 Just a Little Bit More

This post is coming from the One Year Mini Devotional for Students book I have. Check it out...

Can I find contentment?

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
Philippians 4:11-12

Contentment is among life's most elusive qualities. The answer to "How much is enough?" always seems to be, "Just a little bit more." The key to Paul's contentment was that he was grateful for everything God had given him rather than envious of what he didn't have. Contentment begins with realizing that we aren't dependent on how much we own. When we realize that there is more to life than accumulating things, everything takes on a new value. Knowing that Jesus gives you strength and help for every situation you face gives you freedom from having to find your security in possessions.

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13


Diana said...

That is so true...true contentment comes from knowing that no matter what happens - God will be right there to take care of us....to supply our every need....I definitely struggle with contentment....I am very grateful for what I have but honestly, I do always want more... :)

Jon said...

I tend to focus on what I don't have rather than focusing on how blessed I am with what I do have. I put too much faith in my material possessions and my own abilities rather than testing my faith and relying on God to help me through life.

"Knowing that Jesus gives you strength and help for every situation you face gives you freedom from having to find your security in possessions."

Lord, help me realize the truth in that statement.

Catie said...

simple thoughts that get me good haha. Not being content with myself, my circumstances or my place in life is contagious. I allow extraneous variables to move me away from what matters most- being focused on the grace I have been shown... which I should find completely satisfying!

Jon said...

Definitely good points! Thanks for the comments ladies!