Week #21 Be Passionate About Your Christian Life!

Is it okay to celebrate the Christian life and be enthusiastic about my faith? I always thought my faith was all so serious.

READ: Philippians 3:7-12; Psalm 103:2; Isaiah 49:13
The word passion means to have an intense desire towards something or someone. This can apply to many areas of our lives, but it should apply especially to our spiritual life. Sadly, this isn't always the case. We are passionate about our jobs, money, sports, and our possessions. But what about God? Where does He rank on our list of things we are passionate about? Is He even on the list?

As believers, we should passionately seek to know God. In order to be passionate about someone, you have to get to know them. Today, many Christians "know" Christ in a superficial way. We know that He is the world's Savior, that He was the virgin-born Son of God, and that He died on the cross (accepting death in our place) and rose after three days to sit at the right hand of God. Those are the facts that we all know (even non-Christians "know" these things), but just knowing these will not bring lasting satisfaction. We want to know Who is this Jesus that willingly died and why did He give His life? To find these answers we have to seek an intimate relationship with Christ and gain a true knowledge of Christ.

The Lord wants us to be passionate about our relationship with Him. In order for our relationships with Him to grow, we have to read our Bibles, pray with Him, and walk in His light. Jesus wants us to serve Him enthusiastically, joyfully, and with a great sense of delight. We should celebrate because God has given us the biggest reason to celebrate...He has rescued us from the consequences of sin and He promises us the wonders of eternity!

Celebrate and enjoy every moment of life! Be passionate about the gift God has given you, the many blessings He provides each and every day, and the chance He has given each of us to have an intimate relationship with Him! Our passion and enthusiasm will be infectious!


Jon said...

This post really hit me hard. I think it goes right along with last week's post about being a "Joyful" Christian. I have not been passionate about my Christian life. I take the gifts God has given me and go about my business like what He did for me is no big deal. He SAVED me! He sent His Son to die on the Cross for my sins. Lord, help me to realize the significance of what You did for me. Help me to realize how much I need You. Light my spiritual life on fire! Help me be enthusiastic about my faith and help me to celebrate my relationship with You. Let my enthusiasm be evident to others and show them how awesome Your love truly is. You deserve so much more from me.

Anonymous said...

We should be VERY passionate about our Christian life. We should be more passionate about that than anything else. Unfortunately that is rarely the case. I wonder sometimes what we think Heaven is going to be like. If we can not be passionate about Christ here on this earth, if we can not genuinely work to develop a close walk with Him here on this earth, if we have no desire to grow as a Christian here on this earth and enjoy our spiritual walk here, what do we expect in Heaven????

Catie said...

I really like this week's Scripture and the push behind it. Coming into my last semester at Clemson, it hit me that I need to enjoy this time because never again will I be so care free and unattached. Honestly, I have no worries and no obligations really besides getting through a couple of classes. So, as i have trying to enjoy little moments and create awesome memories with friends I have become painfully(in a good way) more aware of how God uses the life I live to show his goodness. I recently read a book called Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and it has some very interesting thoughts about heaven, this earth and what a Christian should be fixing his/her eyes on. I am not sure that I agree or understand with all of his theories ,but on thing I did like was when he said Jesus wanted/s to bring heaven to earth. Because this is where is kingdom will be, it will be a new earth, one that is not damaged or imperfect, but it will be here. So as Christian, I should try my dardest to do things that will bring heaven to earth as i live. There is no doubt Jesus lived his life with passion... but he definitely wasnt a prick about it! He loved children, he loved his friends and he loved eating!! I have a renewed focus of not only having passion about "my life", but finding joy and peace in the moments that I know were created for me by Him!
PS. i really like the verse... but press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Phil 3:12b

Jon said...

Awesome Comments! Catie I want to read that book after I finish the one I'm working on!