Week #68 Health

This week's post comes from the "Walking with Christ Every Day" 365 daily devotions for teachers book. I have quite a few friends going through different things, either themselves or their family members...suffering from physical sickness or mental and spiritual downers...so this topic seemed just right.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.

Romans 12:1

Are you concerned about your spiritual, physical, or emotional health? If so, there is a timeless source of comfort and assurance that is as near as your next breath. That source of comfort, of course, is God.

God is concerned about every aspect of your life, including your health. And, when you face concerns of any sort--including health-related challenges, God is with you. So trust your medical doctor to do his or her part, and turn to your family and friends for moral, physical, and spiritual support. But don't be afraid to place your ultimate trust in your benevolent Heavenly Father. His healing touch, like His love, endures forever.

A Christian should no more defile his body than a Jew would defile the temple.
Warren Wiersbe

--A Prayer--
Lord, when I am ill or weak or troubled, You heal me. Renew me, Father, and let me trust Your will for my life. Let me welcome Your unending love and Your healing touch, now and forever. Amen.


Jon said...

"And, when you face concerns of any sort--including health-related challenges, God is with you."

Whether you are sick, or your family member is sick, it is comforting to know that God has His hand's on the situation. He cares, and He is right there in the middle. Whether the sickness leaves or takes the person's life, we have to remember that God is in control and pray that the person's heart was right with the Lord.

Diana said...

I agree Jon...it is so difficult to watch someone you love go through a "bad" time...but if we can remember that God too is watching and is concerned about every aspect of our lives and that he always has our best interest at heart it keeps us from getting "so scared"...

Unknown said...

This is a hard thing for a lot of people to completely grasp. But I feel like once you really understand that the ones we love are going to a place far better than where we are it puts you at ease. It takes a lot of strength to be there for your family and friends during illnesses but it is during those times that you really feel God's presense. He is not making you go through this - he is there WITH you while you go through it.