Week #77 I Need a Job...

These days, there are a lot of people saying, "I need a job." There are some who simply can't find a job and there are a lot of us that have jobs but want new ones. While thinking about this, I began thinking about my talents and my interests and how many people have jobs where they are unable to use their God given talents the way they should be and how many people are working jobs that they have no interest in. Too many of us have simply taken jobs for paychecks and not gone after jobs that we were called to do.

Obviously in today's world, we have to work and we have to make money some way to survive. The world's economy today does not help matters much when it comes to being picky about the type of job you have either. Bare with me as I try to throw some Jesus on the points I'm trying to make...

One of the toughest questions you can ask someone is...What do you want to do with your life? With all the different career options out there, how do you narrow down your search? To start off, you have to take a look at the things you are good at. Maybe you are good with numbers or maybe you have a special bond with kids. It will be very hard to find a job that will allow you to use all of your talents and abilities, but through prayer and some soul searching, hopefully you will be able to find a career that you will be good at and a career that you will enjoy doing.

I know things don't always work out this way (personal experience). Sometimes you have to take a job out of necessity. When this happens you have to trust that God will make use of your time at that job and will allow you to use the skills you acquire there in your future. We have to remember that God is not into wasting His time or ours. Our lives here are too short. He has a purpose for each of us and we have to trust that He knows what is best for us and will help get us where He wants us. He just asks that we do the best that we can with the jobs that He gives us and He will do the rest.

So Potiphar arrested Joseph and put him into the prison....But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him kindness. The Lord caused the prison warden to like Joseph. The prison warden chose Joseph to take care of all the prisoners. He was responsible for whatever was done in the prison. The warden paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph's care. This was because the Lord was with Joseph. The Lord made Joseph successful in everything he did.
Genesis 39:20-23


Jon said...

Definitely a topic that hits close to home for me. I am in a position in my life (fresh out of college) where I thought the whole job world would be @ my fingertips...which definitely hasn't happened! I took a job out of necessity and am still looking for a job that will allow me to use my talents and allow me to actually enjoy my work. I have to trust that God has a better plan for my life and that things will happen in His time, not mine. I can't allow myself to grow sour and not give 100% because in reality, I am working for God (Eph. 6:7-8).

I also like the verses (Gen. 39:20-23)...it shows how God was with Joseph when he was put in an awful situation and God turned it around for Joseph so that he could shine proving that no situation is out of God's hands!

Unknown said...

Happy Wednesday!
These days finding a job is hard enough and finding a job you like, on top of that, is even harder. With that being the case it is so important to try and take advantage of the good things about your job. Maybe the skills learned, people met, or situations you are placed into, to benefit the cause of Christ! That is so hard to do and I am struggling with that now, but each day I have to remind myself that everything and everyone has a purpose and God is with us each step of the way.
Have a great rest of the weeks peeps :)