Week #7 Resolutions

I know this is a day or two late, but I thought we could talk about New Year's resolutions and starting off 2008 the right way...God's Way. Everyone is making New Year's resolutions, but few people actually end up keeping them. Most people end up breaking their resolutions a few months after making them.

When thinking about your goals and resolutions for the new year, think about what life goals will bring you closer to God. The type of goals you set should help you develop a better relationship with God. This means focusing on God and on his direction for your life, not on seeking only pleasure or great things for yourself. The Bible says that Enoch had a great relationship with God for 365 years (Genesis 5:23-24)! Why not walk with God for the next 365 days?

Instead of making a long list of things you hope to do this year, try focusing on the one thing that really matters...a daily resolution to be more like Jesus. While on earth, Jesus loved, served, and gave glory to God. We should always be looking for ways to improve our relationship with God and help us to walk with God. If we decide to live this way, we will find that every day brings about a new adventure. For this year, decide to strive to be more like Jesus by loving and serving God and others, and by bringing glory to God in the way that you live.

Check out these versus:
Mark 10:45
1 Corinthians 14:1
2 Corinthians 5:9
James 4:4
Joshua 22:5


Gene said...

All of those versus are really great. "Become a better Christian" wasn't on my New Year's Resolution list, but it should be. It's a shame that Christians even have to put that on their lists. This discussion board is a great tool we all can use to make that resolution come true. I will definitely make a better effort to contribute more every day. I challenge and encourage everyone else to do the same. The world needs more sites like this.

Jon said...

I have never been real big on setting New Year's resolutions, but I do try to set goals for my life. Most of them sadly have no effect on the advancing of my spiritual relationship with God. I am determined to focus on God's Will for my life and to set goals that He has placed on my heart. As our previous posts have stated, we should always make sure we are praying for, and seeking, God's Will to dominate our lives. I also pray that God will help me to be more like Jesus and for me to be constantly looking for ways I can help and serve others and not focus on my needs; instead, let God worry about them for me. It feels so good to know that you are walking down the road God has put you on and knowing that you are bringing glory to Him in the way that you live. I pray that God will help me burn for those types of feelings and show me the direction He has for my life.

Catie said...

sorry for the tardy response.. the weekly blog reminder is sent to my spam folder for some reason but anyway-- I really like the theme of this week 7 study. I, like Jon also mentioned, have never been a big new years resolution person. however, a new year is a great time to refocus and re-engergize my walk with Christ. i have been reading in psalms 91 and i have been really thinking about the verse: Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name...it brings me peace to know that this is what God asks from me- love and with that comes acknowledgement and in return i receive protection and salvation! My biggest struggle to overcome in the present moment is not seeking a future that would satisfy me, but a day by day increased focus on delighting myself in the Lord. I know I can never feel peace or be content doing things for my self, because my nature is insatiable.

shelby said...

I agree with everyone in saying that this was a good topic to start off the new year. I have never set memorable resolutions, but I do try to have goals and plans for my life. Sadly, sometimes I try to make plans for my life without consulting God first, and as we all know-that never works out too well. I am striving to focus more on my heavenly Father this year, and I know that when I walk with Him-He will show me the plans for my life. I also pray that God will use me to glorify His name during my last semester plus some here at Clemson.

Jon said...

Walking with God is a struggle we all deal with. There are so many things that we allow into our lives that create a gap in our relationship with God. With the help of fellow Christians and through talking with our Heavenly Father, we are able to get back on the "right track" so to speak. And Catie...I really like Psalm 91 too...I really like v. 15, which is right after the first you mentioned. God's love for His children is truly amazing. I just finished reading Psalm 121 and for such a small chapter, it is filled with what i like to call "heart grabbers."